Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

May 2009 bring you much more than you expected.

The Passion of Christ
I watched this movie by Mel Gibson some time ago. Such an intense movie. I marvelled at the cruelty shown by the soldiers to Our Lord. Imagine what Christ went through for my sins, what a humbling feeling.

It got me thinking before I judge the soldiers and crowd, if i were born in that time and was present during the episode what will I do?

Mary the blessed mother of Christ, you could feel her pain but she was so courageous and strong. She never broke down because she realised that it was necessary for God's will to be done.

Would I be like Veronica-the brave woman who risked her life to wipe the blood from the face of the Lord. So great was her love and sorrow for Jesus that she forgot every other thing just to show her love.

Or like Simon of Cyrene, that was asked to help the Lord carry the cross. Reluctant at first, but when he saw the inhuman cruelty shown by the soldiers he defied their wrath and helped Him. He saw the supremacy of God and the injustice of it all. He left a broken but changed man.

Would I be like part of the crowd who would be saying to themselves, he doesn’t deserve this but stand by the sidelines feeling sorry for Him but doing nothing.

Or the Jews and soldiers who thought they were doing the right thing by obeying orders and for some their own selfish interest.

Assuming I was born in that era, what would i do-i wonder? But then again even in this time and age, injustice still happens so the question always arises what will you do-will you do something about it or stand by the sidelines feeling sorry.

Like Wole Soyinka said "The man died who stood silent in the midst of tyranny".
It’s really a food for thought.

For me, I pray that when the time comes,i'll be courageous and wise in doing the right thing.

What about you???
